FAYCAT. British shorthair silver and golden cat .
.FAYCAT - британские шиншиллы, золотые затушеванные британские кошки.
British silver shaded cat , British golden shaded cat and kitten .british blotched silver and golden cat.Photogallery of british cat and kitten .
Британские кошки , британские котята в Израиле - фотогалерея.British cats and kittens in Israel - photo gallery.חתולים בריטי בישראל - גלריית תמונות.WWW.FAYCAT.NET
воскресенье, 16 августа 2009 г.
пятница, 14 августа 2009 г.

And after that, we'll go on to Japan...
...where we find the origins of the Beckoning Cat, or the manekineko as he is called in Japan. This cat, long long ago, stood in the door of the Gotoku-ji temple and raised her paw in the traditional Japanese beckoning gesture to a feudal lord who was passing by.
The feudal lord followed the cat into the temple and instantly, a lightning bolt struck the place where the lord had been standing. Thus the cat had saved his life. From then on, the manekineko was considered as an incarnation of the Goddess of Mercy.
The Gotoku-ji Temple now houses dozens of statues of this Cat, and owners of lost or sick cats stick up prayer boards with the image of the Beckoning Cat in this temple.
In business the manekineko is said to bring success. This is because her raised paw beckons in customers. It also welcomes in personal happiness and harmony. A black Beckoning Cat brings health,
while a gold one, which is quite rare, brings in riches. Beckoning Cats are often sold as money boxes and in a house they are supposed to beckon in good friends.
...where we find the origins of the Beckoning Cat, or the manekineko as he is called in Japan. This cat, long long ago, stood in the door of the Gotoku-ji temple and raised her paw in the traditional Japanese beckoning gesture to a feudal lord who was passing by.
The feudal lord followed the cat into the temple and instantly, a lightning bolt struck the place where the lord had been standing. Thus the cat had saved his life. From then on, the manekineko was considered as an incarnation of the Goddess of Mercy.
The Gotoku-ji Temple now houses dozens of statues of this Cat, and owners of lost or sick cats stick up prayer boards with the image of the Beckoning Cat in this temple.
In business the manekineko is said to bring success. This is because her raised paw beckons in customers. It also welcomes in personal happiness and harmony. A black Beckoning Cat brings health,
while a gold one, which is quite rare, brings in riches. Beckoning Cats are often sold as money boxes and in a house they are supposed to beckon in good friends.
понедельник, 10 августа 2009 г.
Is the British Shorthair the Perfect Cat For You?
Is the British Shorthair the Perfect Cat For You?
If your home has a rodent problem, then you must not own a British Shorthair. These big cats may look placid and lazy, but they are actually great hunters. After all, the British Shorthair is descended from Britain’s barn and house cats.
This breed was created in the late nineteenth century. Despite its early popularity, the British Shorthair almost became extinct in the mid twentieth century, as other breeds were developed. Luckily, a few Shorthair fanciers were determined to save this wonderful, historic breed and the British Shorthair was saved. In the late twentieth century, these cats reached the United States, where they immediately became extremely popular.
Although you can find a British Shorthair in a wide range of colors, including orange eyed or blue eyed white, red or silver tabby, tortoiseshell, smoke, bicolors, and points, the most popular color is probably blue. In fact, blue British Shorthairs were so popular in the United States that they were the only color recognized by cat associations for many years. This color, called the British Blue, almost disappeared after World War II. Dedicated cat fanciers bred the remaining British Blues to Blue Persians to increase the gene pool and save this beautiful cat.
This breed is on the large side, weighing in at a hefty nine to eighteen pounds. British Shorthair cats have a short tail that is on the broad side, a round head with wide cheeks, and a thick, short coat.
Although the British Shorthair is fairly laid back, this is not a breed that is interested in being picked up and cuddled. In fact, these cats hate being picked up or handled so much that many cat fanciers say that they should be re-named the ‘four feet on the ground’ breed. As long as you allow him to do his own thing, your Shorthair will be happy. If you are looking for a cat that wants to snuggle in your lap as you watch television, you may be quite disappointed with the British Shorthair breed.
For people who can’t spend a lot of time at home, this cat breed is ideal. The British Shorthair is very self contained and does not spend a lot of time playing or socializing. As long as you are there to feed him each morning and can give him a little attention each evening, he will be a happy cat.
Since this breed is a descendant of several gene pools, it is generally a healthy breed. However, there is one thing you should be aware of. While most cats have Type-A blood, many British Shorthairs have the more rare Type-B blood type. You should consider having your kitten tested to find out which type of blood he has in case he needs emergency surgery in the future. You should be sure to have your veterinarian make a note of your cat’s blood type in his medical chart so that there are no unnecessary complications.
Since these cats have such thick, coarse coats, you will need to do very little grooming. However, you should comb through your Shorthair’s coat once a week to remove loose hair and dirt.
If you need an undemanding cat, then the British Shorthair may be the perfect choice for you.
If your home has a rodent problem, then you must not own a British Shorthair. These big cats may look placid and lazy, but they are actually great hunters. After all, the British Shorthair is descended from Britain’s barn and house cats.
This breed was created in the late nineteenth century. Despite its early popularity, the British Shorthair almost became extinct in the mid twentieth century, as other breeds were developed. Luckily, a few Shorthair fanciers were determined to save this wonderful, historic breed and the British Shorthair was saved. In the late twentieth century, these cats reached the United States, where they immediately became extremely popular.
Although you can find a British Shorthair in a wide range of colors, including orange eyed or blue eyed white, red or silver tabby, tortoiseshell, smoke, bicolors, and points, the most popular color is probably blue. In fact, blue British Shorthairs were so popular in the United States that they were the only color recognized by cat associations for many years. This color, called the British Blue, almost disappeared after World War II. Dedicated cat fanciers bred the remaining British Blues to Blue Persians to increase the gene pool and save this beautiful cat.
This breed is on the large side, weighing in at a hefty nine to eighteen pounds. British Shorthair cats have a short tail that is on the broad side, a round head with wide cheeks, and a thick, short coat.
Although the British Shorthair is fairly laid back, this is not a breed that is interested in being picked up and cuddled. In fact, these cats hate being picked up or handled so much that many cat fanciers say that they should be re-named the ‘four feet on the ground’ breed. As long as you allow him to do his own thing, your Shorthair will be happy. If you are looking for a cat that wants to snuggle in your lap as you watch television, you may be quite disappointed with the British Shorthair breed.
For people who can’t spend a lot of time at home, this cat breed is ideal. The British Shorthair is very self contained and does not spend a lot of time playing or socializing. As long as you are there to feed him each morning and can give him a little attention each evening, he will be a happy cat.
Since this breed is a descendant of several gene pools, it is generally a healthy breed. However, there is one thing you should be aware of. While most cats have Type-A blood, many British Shorthairs have the more rare Type-B blood type. You should consider having your kitten tested to find out which type of blood he has in case he needs emergency surgery in the future. You should be sure to have your veterinarian make a note of your cat’s blood type in his medical chart so that there are no unnecessary complications.
Since these cats have such thick, coarse coats, you will need to do very little grooming. However, you should comb through your Shorthair’s coat once a week to remove loose hair and dirt.
If you need an undemanding cat, then the British Shorthair may be the perfect choice for you.
воскресенье, 2 августа 2009 г.

British Shorthair
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The British Shorthair is a domesticated cat. Its features make it a popular breed in cat shows.[1] It has been the most popular breed of cat registered by the UK's Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) since 1999 when it overtook the Siamese breed.[2]
The British Shorthair is the descendant of cats brought to Britain by the Romans, which were interbred with wild native catsLater they were crossbred with Persian cats to improve the thickness of their coat. The breed was defined in the 19th century and British Shorthairs were shown at the 1871 Crystal Palace cat show.[1] The popularity of the breed had declined by the 1940s, but since the end of the Second World War, breeding programs have intensified and the breed's popularity is high once again.[1] The first British Shorthairs arrived in Australia in 1968. Breeding under the prefix Redwyton, Tops and Trevor Jowett imported a blue breeding pair.[5]
Breed description
A young male blue British Shorthair beginning to show the copper eyes typical of the breed
British Shorthairs have dense, plush coats that are often described as crisp or cracking, which refers to the way the coat breaks over the cat's body contours. Eyes are large, round and widely set. They can be a variety of colours, though the copper or gold eyes of the British blue are the best known. They have round heads with full, chubby cheeks and a body that is rounded and sturdy. British Shorthairs are large and muscular, and are described as having a cobby build. The breed has a broad chest, shoulders and hips with short legs, round paws and a plush but not fluffy tail that ends in a round or blunt tip.[6] These are the characteristics listed in most governing bodies breeds standards to which show cats must conform.
The males of this breed are larger than the females, and the size difference between them is more easily noticed compared to other breeds. The males' average weight is 5-10 kilograms, whereas a female would weigh up to 5-7. As with many breeds, the adult males may also develop prominent cheek jowls that distinguish them from their female counterparts.[7] The typical lifespan of this breed is 14 to 20 years.[6]
A British Shorthair with the classic tabby markings.
British Shorthairs come in many colours. For many years, the more popular blue variant was common enough to have a breed name of its own: the "British Blue". It remains one of the most popular colours in the breed, but there are now a large variety of other colour and pattern variations accepted by most feline governing bodies and associations. These include the colours black, blue, white, red, cream, chocolate, lilac, cinnamon and fawn. They can be bred in "self" or "solid", which is all the one colour as well as the colourpoint, tabby, shaded and bicolour patterns. All colours and patterns also come in the tortoiseshell pattern, which is a combination of red and cream with other colours.[8]
British Shorthairs are an easygoing breed of cat. They have a stable character and take well to being kept as indoor only cats, making them ideal for apartment living. They are not terribly demanding of attention, although they will let you know if they feel like playing and enjoy mouse type or stick style toys. They are not hyperactive or "in your face" cats, preferring to sit next to you or near you rather than on you. They will tend to supervise household activities either watching from a comfy perch or laying on the floor nearby.
British Shorthairs are wonderful cats for people who work, as they are very happy just to laze around the house while you are out. They don't get destructive or need other animals for company, though they do enjoy having another British Shorthair or a cat with similar temperament around.
They like attention and enjoy being petted. They are not a very vocal breed but will meow to communicate with their owners. For example, they might meow when they are hungry and their food is being prepared. They may also meow at their favourite toy as they play with it. They tend to scratch doors to signal they want it to be opened rather than meowing like most cats. British Shorthair cats have a tendency to follow people from room to room, as they may want to be with you and see what is going on. Some do not mind being cuddled, but most prefer to keep four paws on the ground and have you pat them rather than pick them up.
The breed has become a favourite of animal trainers because of its nature and intelligence, and in recent years, these cats have appeared in Hollywood films and television commercials.[7] They can learn small tricks spontaneously.
The British Shorthair does not require a lot of grooming because their fur does not tangle or mat easily. However, it is recommended that the coat be brushed occasionally, especially during seasonal shedding, since at this time they may develop hairballs. British Shorthairs are big cats with a heavy bone structure and solid build. They can be prone to obesity when desexed or kept indoors so care should be taken with their diet. They are a heavy cat, so a good rule of thumb is how they look rather than how much they weigh.[6]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The British Shorthair is a domesticated cat. Its features make it a popular breed in cat shows.[1] It has been the most popular breed of cat registered by the UK's Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) since 1999 when it overtook the Siamese breed.[2]
The British Shorthair is the descendant of cats brought to Britain by the Romans, which were interbred with wild native catsLater they were crossbred with Persian cats to improve the thickness of their coat. The breed was defined in the 19th century and British Shorthairs were shown at the 1871 Crystal Palace cat show.[1] The popularity of the breed had declined by the 1940s, but since the end of the Second World War, breeding programs have intensified and the breed's popularity is high once again.[1] The first British Shorthairs arrived in Australia in 1968. Breeding under the prefix Redwyton, Tops and Trevor Jowett imported a blue breeding pair.[5]
Breed description
A young male blue British Shorthair beginning to show the copper eyes typical of the breed
British Shorthairs have dense, plush coats that are often described as crisp or cracking, which refers to the way the coat breaks over the cat's body contours. Eyes are large, round and widely set. They can be a variety of colours, though the copper or gold eyes of the British blue are the best known. They have round heads with full, chubby cheeks and a body that is rounded and sturdy. British Shorthairs are large and muscular, and are described as having a cobby build. The breed has a broad chest, shoulders and hips with short legs, round paws and a plush but not fluffy tail that ends in a round or blunt tip.[6] These are the characteristics listed in most governing bodies breeds standards to which show cats must conform.
The males of this breed are larger than the females, and the size difference between them is more easily noticed compared to other breeds. The males' average weight is 5-10 kilograms, whereas a female would weigh up to 5-7. As with many breeds, the adult males may also develop prominent cheek jowls that distinguish them from their female counterparts.[7] The typical lifespan of this breed is 14 to 20 years.[6]
A British Shorthair with the classic tabby markings.
British Shorthairs come in many colours. For many years, the more popular blue variant was common enough to have a breed name of its own: the "British Blue". It remains one of the most popular colours in the breed, but there are now a large variety of other colour and pattern variations accepted by most feline governing bodies and associations. These include the colours black, blue, white, red, cream, chocolate, lilac, cinnamon and fawn. They can be bred in "self" or "solid", which is all the one colour as well as the colourpoint, tabby, shaded and bicolour patterns. All colours and patterns also come in the tortoiseshell pattern, which is a combination of red and cream with other colours.[8]
British Shorthairs are an easygoing breed of cat. They have a stable character and take well to being kept as indoor only cats, making them ideal for apartment living. They are not terribly demanding of attention, although they will let you know if they feel like playing and enjoy mouse type or stick style toys. They are not hyperactive or "in your face" cats, preferring to sit next to you or near you rather than on you. They will tend to supervise household activities either watching from a comfy perch or laying on the floor nearby.
British Shorthairs are wonderful cats for people who work, as they are very happy just to laze around the house while you are out. They don't get destructive or need other animals for company, though they do enjoy having another British Shorthair or a cat with similar temperament around.
They like attention and enjoy being petted. They are not a very vocal breed but will meow to communicate with their owners. For example, they might meow when they are hungry and their food is being prepared. They may also meow at their favourite toy as they play with it. They tend to scratch doors to signal they want it to be opened rather than meowing like most cats. British Shorthair cats have a tendency to follow people from room to room, as they may want to be with you and see what is going on. Some do not mind being cuddled, but most prefer to keep four paws on the ground and have you pat them rather than pick them up.
The breed has become a favourite of animal trainers because of its nature and intelligence, and in recent years, these cats have appeared in Hollywood films and television commercials.[7] They can learn small tricks spontaneously.
The British Shorthair does not require a lot of grooming because their fur does not tangle or mat easily. However, it is recommended that the coat be brushed occasionally, especially during seasonal shedding, since at this time they may develop hairballs. British Shorthairs are big cats with a heavy bone structure and solid build. They can be prone to obesity when desexed or kept indoors so care should be taken with their diet. They are a heavy cat, so a good rule of thumb is how they look rather than how much they weigh.[6]
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